Best Results Colon Cleanse Diet

15 Jul

If you want to see results from your colon cleanse, be sure to use a cleansing diet. Your digestion will work better and your body will cleanse more if you eat lighter foods. A healthy detox diet uses good quality, wholesome foods. This means mainly fresh fruits and vegetables, whole organic grains and proteins from a variety of sources. The proteins may be animal based or vegetarian.

Whole, fresh fruits and vegetables can be consumed in a variety of ways. Fruits are always best when eaten alone and fresh. Incorporate raw vegetables into your daily diet. You can also steam them or lightly sautee them in olive oil or coconut oil. Change what veggies you eat every three or four days for variety.

If you feel you don’t eat enough vegetables, try fresh vegetable juice. There is much literature on the power of fresh vegetable juice for healing, weight loss and even anti aging. Canned or bottled juice is not the same, for the enzymes are lost and often there is hidden sodium or sugar.

Also include whole grains into your diet. Research shows these lower your risk of stroke and heart disease as well as lower blood pressure and colorectal cancer. They can make you feel full, thereby helping you to avoid over eating. Eating these may be a change since we normally eat already processed grains in cereals and breads; so eat a variety to find your favorite flavor.

Most stores sell whole grains in bulk in the produce section. You may be able to find more variety at your local health food store. Find a whole grain cookbook to help you gain ideas into new recipes so your detox diet is exciting.

There are a variety of choices to ensure you get enough protein. As for animal proteins, you may eat lean steak in moderation, chicken or turkey breast, fish, organic eggs, and organic yogurt. Include some vegetarian based meals using sprouts, nuts or beans as your protein choice.

Check out eating raw for your cleansing diet. Many people prefer the raw diet to help their bodies detoxify. These are best when done for short periods and after research so you understand how to meet your nutritional requirements.

What you drink during your colon cleanse program is also important. Avoid all sodas, pre-made fruit juice and bottled juices. Also leave out drinks that contain artificial sweeteners such as aspartame. Even drinks that use so-called natural sugars, like high fructose corn syrup, are best avoided.

Opt for spring water that does not contain flouride or minerals. Some like to add a splash of 100% cherry juice or cranberry juice with stevia. Drink herbal teas, as they can help your body flush waste as well as add nutrition.

Your colon cleanse is only as good as your detox diet. Inform yourself so you get the most benefits for your work. If you take medications, ask your doctor before diet changes. Always listen to your body and help it as it heals and cleanses.

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